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Hospital Management System (HIS)

The use of this technology in the medical field is a huge deal for the people of Iraq to see the progress being made in the medical field.

Hospital Management System (HIS):

The wide information and the diversity of services provided in hospitals along with the continuous development of technology is a wonderful, accurate and highly coordinated integration. Therefore, the use of the paper system and document storage in the old way or the use of several programs separately, in addition to the need for trained manpower for each program, and the coordination of information between Programs are a difficult task and there is the possibility of error and loss of information.

The inefficiency of manual methods and the use of inappropriate programs prevent the growth and development of medical research for the medical industry and change the methods of payment for the contracted centers. There are new methods of medical education and a very large and noticeable improvement in the level of staff of medical equipment and facilities, in addition To increase the expectations of patients and the need to link medical centers and medical professionals with each other, and one of the most important needs and reasons for using the Hospital Information System overlapping (HIS).

A good management information system that is suitable for many uses is necessary to assess the quality of care provided to the patient during the operation. And the way the staff works and reduce costs. Therefore, the best way to manage the hospital is to use an automated system Amal covers all aspects of the hospital. By submitting various reports to the management and each of the hospital wings, this will lead to improved service delivery and increased customer satisfaction. In general, it can be said that the HIS program should strive to achieve the following goals in hospitals:

1- Improving the recording and preservation of patient information.
2- Improving access to patient information.
3- Improving the standardization of administrative procedures in the hospital.
4- Improving access to information for review of assessment and research on treatment.
5- Improving decentralized financial management.
6- Improving revenue collection.
7- Develop information to improve revenues.
8- Improving revenues by reducing costs.
9- Increasing customer satisfaction and increasing customer loyalty to the hospital.

An integrated system for hospital management that takes into account all the conditions and rules that apply in Iraqi public and private hospitals. Providing software that meets the needs of the hospital and helps develop the health sector in Iraq. Our program currently provides services for inpatient and outpatient, laboratories, medical services, pharmacies and intensive care.

For hospitals and clinics in Najaf and Baghdad, it is complementary to other parts of the hospital such as personnel management, payroll and warehousing. And you can now manage all the services needed to admit the patient to the hospital until the patient is discharged from the hospital using this program.

1- Patients: Allergy screening and patient medication warnings for staff and treatment staff reduce the risks of medical treatment for patients. Complete recording of staff performance and comprehensive performance reports for management will prevent patient dissatisfaction and increase patient loyalty to the treatment center.
2- Staff: This program provides employees with a significant reduction in clerical work and therefore more free time for patient care and has better control over clinical records.
Effective clinical management and quick access to an accurate medical history help.
Detailed patient decision-making and description for doctors and nurses
3- Management: A complete and timely understanding of a hospital’s operational efficiency with detailed information on revenue, costs, inventory, workload, workforce, equipment usage and even equipment supplier companies helps make better management decisions. Effective leadership leads to a more efficient work environment with better income.

Our hospital programs are performing well in the following areas:

1- Administrative: reception, clearance, quality control, risk management, information management system, management of reports, types of reports, types of warnings, decision support (DSS), support of various relevant standards.
2- Inpatient care services: the patient, physicians and assistants unions, dentists, diet, infectious control, surgery and operations room, departments, clinics, waiting patients.
3- Outpatient care services: advice, referral, referral, health call centers, medical emergencies, police emergencies, emergency rescue.
4- Para Clinic: vision and audiometry, laboratory, blood bank, radiology, endoscopy, angiography, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, sonography, scans, ECG, EEG, EMG, radiotherapy.
5- Finance and auditing: patient bills, maintenance services, physical security, ownership and equipment, personnel affairs, buying and selling, hospital specifications, engineering services, equipment vendors.
6- Warehouse: registering the warehouse with different conditions, managing units and volume, managing the entry and exit of products to the warehouse, managing requests from departments, managing purchase requests from departments.
7- Tools: equipment and property management from departments, management of maintenance requests from departments.
8- Other: human resources, employee health, home laundry, kitchen
User management
With access levels:
The ability to offer different types of personnel and application access to a specific group or person.

Management Lab Tests: The ability to identify the types of laboratory tests required by the laboratory.
Patient sampling management:
Recording the sample received from the patient and determining the staff’s work procedures on the sample.

Blood bank management:
The ability to record blood types and their compounds.
History of patient records and presentation of charts:
Provide charts to help with the patient’s condition and history.

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Return on Investment
Why choose us

Manage Your Healthcare Service

Using our software’s it will be easy for you employee and even you to manage your healthcare service business , and you don’t need to worry about data being lost anymore . you will also be able to see reports about service  

Reports to Analysis Your Business

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Easy To use. Great UI&UX

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No Data Loss

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Fully Secure

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what we do

Work Algorithm

Audit and Analysis of Competitors

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  • Faucibus dolor mauris nascetur ut feugia
  • Egestas aliquet ullamcorper nunc sed pellentesque

Egestas aliquet ullamcorper nunc sed pellentesque. Faucibus dolor mauris nascetur ut feugiat hac rutrum tempor congue. Egestas eget adipiscing scelerisque.

Сlear and Convenient Reporting

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